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Grow the Leader in you

If you’re busy doing your team’s work for them, then you’re probably not doing your own.

Ask yourself, “Is how I am leading now getting me the outcomes for my business and for the people I care about?”
Come away from this workshop with:
  • A leader’s mindset, plus practices to lead through others, so you can focus on leading, not managing, your business.
  • Tools and new skills, to notice and unlock from common traps leaders fall into that reduce effectiveness, so that you can grow yourself, your team and your business.
  • A practical framework for moving from constant problem solving, to leading more effectively in complex times. To see more choices for action by making better use of your limited time and resources.
  • The opportunity to immediately apply what you are learning to challenges in your business by working in small groups with your peers during the workshop.
Workshops are offered in partnership with BSP Advisory Group NZ, and endorsed by Small Business New Zealand (SBNZ).
SBNZ gifts workshop participants:
  • 1 years free membership SBNZ – where you can connect with tools, resources and business owners like you – all in one place.
  • A downloadable copy of “A Great Little Business”, by Phil Wicks, packed with advice on making your business one that provides an income, the lifestyle you want and an investment for retirement.

How this workshop changed these small busineeses

Invest in your leadership in 2024

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